Our Story
Outdoors Activities
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​ The Townley Community Center
Empowering the future while preserving the past
Coach Hinds coached at Townley for 36 years. He was in charge of the girls softball and volleyball teams, and assisted girls in not only athletism, but in life skills, and for that, there are many women today who are eternally greatful for his influence. Coach Hinds still is active in the community, along with his wife, Donna.

Karen Boshell Atkins
Growing up in the Townley Community and attending Townley School grades 1-9 was a very special time in my life. Many great teachers helped shape my life and were huge influences when I decided to go into the teaching profession. The friends I made at Townley are my "forever friends." Also having the opportunity to serve as the principal at Townley for five years and until it closed will always hold a very special place in my heart. I am so proud my children got to experience Townley School. Both Jakob and Molly Kate say there is no place like Townley and there is truly a spirit about that place. I have to agree. Karen Boshell Atkins
John T Hinds
Coach and Teacher
We are looking forward to many of the outdoor activities that the property has to offer, such as little league baseball, and softball games.

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Kenneth Lakey
Coach and Teacher
Coach Lakey made men out of a lot of boys at Townley. All the boys who played the games learned the meaning of discipline and hard work to achieve their goals. Coach Lakey, while no longer with us, will live on in the the vast number of lives he touched, and who he taught the meaning of being a man.

Kathy Hadder
Townley Jr High
Townley School holds a very special place in my heart. I attended school there, my children, and grandchildren attended school there, and I worked there for 28 years. It was a great school with wonderful teachers, students and staff. Some of my fondest memories were made there. I will always be a Townley Tiger!